** Trigger Warning: Postpartum Mental Health**
Jess has started to share her story regarding her postpartum experience. She too has found writing to be a creative outlet allowing her to find ambition from her anger.
Jess has started, Joyfulness with Jess which she states is,
" focused on spreading love and joy through one-on-one coaching and group workshops. I specialize in working with pregnant women, moms, and young adults.
I have always believed to my core in the quote, “If you think you are too small to make a difference, you have never been in bed with a mosquito”. In fact, one day as I was preparing the get-to-know-you ‘question of the week’ to my teammates at work, I asked: “What is still on your bucket list?”. As each of us answered, I had an answer already in my head of what I was going to say (I think it revolved around travel to the Mediterranean) but when it was my turn to answer I surprised myself and said, “When I retire I want to work with and support others. I feel it is my calling and purpose in life”. It totally caught me off guard and made me think. After some soul searching, I decided to start Joyfulness with Jess and go to school to become a certified life coach to begin supporting others and living my soul purpose NOW, instead of waiting until retirement (for those wondering, I am still with General Mills too!).
Another of my favorite quotes is, "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." - Pablo Picasso. I am hopeful I can share my gifts of love, compassion, positive energy, and accountability to support you in living a more joyful and fulfilled life."
You can find more information on Joyfulness with Jess on her website and social media outlets, all linked below.