Self-care was a word that used to make me cringe. For a long time, I would be asked what I was doing for self-care and how I cared for...
Atlas of the Heart
The Caregiver's Dilemma
Rare Patient Voice
4 Years Later. November 2017-Novemeber 2021
Remembering Your Roots
30, Flirty and Thriving? More like 30..depressed and a mess
"your brokenness is welcome here" Jordan Lee Dooley
Panic Attacks and Mantras
Life Moments and the Brown Sweater
A TikTok video helped me turn my anger into ambition...
From the desk of a mom reflecting on a pregnancy surrounded by ALS two years later
2021, Connecting, ALS and more
Grief on the random days
If you are here for the correct grammar, you are in the wrong place #itslife #ALSthoughts